Department of Medical Toxicology

Toxicology Fellowship Application and Interviews


We suggest applicants contact us with a letter of intent and curriculum vitae in the summer (June - July) prior to the intended start year (fellowships begin in July). Interview offers are extended on a rolling basis beginning in July, so we highly recommend applications be complete by mid-August.

Complete applications will include the following components:


Interviews usually occur over two days on Thursdays and Fridays beginning in late August and through early October. The Thursday interview day will begin at 8:45 AM, include lunch with the fellows, and conclude with an applicant dinner. Friday generally ends by noon. You will have an opportunity to attend morning rounds, tour the hospital (including the toxicology laboratory), interview with faculty, and sit in on the weekly toxicology conference and journal club. Occasionally, single interview days will be offered if all two-day interview slots have been filled.

Rank Lists

Medical Toxicology fellowship programs participate in the National Resident Match Program (NRMP), with the Medical Toxicology match generally opening in late August and Match Day being in mid-November. Beginning in 2022, we will participate in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) so application materials will be sent through this service. Further details will be forthcoming.
Our program ID is 1180321001.

Contact Information

To apply for the toxicology fellowship, or for more information, please address all inquiries to:

Ayrn O'Connor, MD
UACOMP Medical Toxicology Fellowship Program Director
Department of Medical Toxicology
1012 E Willetta St, Fl 2
Phoenix, AZ 85006-2749
Tel: 602-839-3701

Email program director at [email protected]